
miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

I am not a robot, am I?

“Prove that you are not a robot” said the robot, and I felt confused. Ironic, isn’t it? What is wrong with being a robot? And why should I prove that? Could that be called machine discrimination? Too many questions about a silly topic, I know, but when I am tired, I like to ramble about stupid things as they were interesting- one more question, why can’t stupid things be interesting? - So now, you’re going to read about robot discrimination.

In a world almost dominated by robots, human people have to type captchas to prove they are not machines. It sounds futuristic, but couldn’t be more real. We the people created them, and now, we have to create idiotic systems to demonstrate we are not machines. But one day, there will be machines able to type captchas, and it will be the end of humankind as we know it.

Think about it.


P.S. This video cannot prove I am not a robot, but it can prove I am not crazy.

1 comentario:

  1. Haha, that's a great entry! Thank you for writing.
    Robots of the world, rise up!
