
jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

In the Name of Security

In the name of security, they know your name
                    and the year you were born.
In the name of security, they know if you are married
                     single or divorced.
In the name of security, they control your salary,
                     and thanks to VISA, they know what you buy.
In the name of security, they can localize you wherever you are
                     thanks to smartphone's GPS.
In the name of security, they control your Google searches
                      and they hear all your phone conversations, just in case.
In the name of security, they know what you like
                      and thanks to Facebook, they know how you look like
In the name of security, you cannot scape of their control
                      and the saddest thing is that most of us do not care about it.

Does security worth it? Are you disposed to sacrifice your privacy?
Think about it.

P.S. Here's a video about this.

1 comentario:

  1. I agree with you, in the name of security we are policed. And that's not good.
